
Wednesday Devotional...4/4/12

"Wait On The Lord"

As I wait on the Lord and go about the routines of life, I choose to have a fervent and patient hope in the Lord that He will complete and attend to everything that I have brought before His throne room. I know that my Lord is faithful and will do just exactly what He has promised in His word.

Isaiah 40:31 says,

"But those who wait on the Lord,
Shall renew their strength,
They shall mount up
with wings like eagles,
They shall run and not be weary,
They shall walk and
not faint."

Just that verse alone is extremely refreshing and highly inspiring to me. Each of us in some way or other are waiting on the Lord. It may be to see our loved ones come to Him, waiting on answers where we need wisdom, healing physically and the list goes on.

The best part of all, God tells us we will rise above that situation that we are experiencing. He will give us unlimited strength to overcome at that time. We will be renewed in our strength.

I embrace His word today and know that in Him He will provide my needs supernaturally, whatever they may be as I wait upon the Lord.

In His Great Love,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is so hard to wait for God's timing, His answer from HIS perspective that is best for me! Cool animated picture with this post too!
