
Friday Devotional...5/4/12

(Proverbs 1:33)
But all who listen to me will live in peace; untroubled by fear of harm.

When I read the first line of this scripture (But all who listen to me will live in peace) ....my mind went immediately to when my Mom passed away in 1995 suddenly and unexpectedly, she was only 67 years old.

I will never forget the excruciating pain and sorrow that I felt. I couldn't stop crying and moaning with a cry deep down in my gut. I cried that whole night through. The next day my dad, brother and myself went to the mortuary. My dad and brother went inside, but I couldn't face reality. I couldn't face death....the death of my Mother, so I sat in the back seat of the car alone in the deepest sorrow I'd ever experienced. When that "still small voice" (most distinctively) spoke to me....and I listened.
The scripture came to me
 "Peace I give to you, not as the world giveth, but as I giveth."

I knew the Lord's voice! And then Jesus said to me >>> "BUT, AS I GIVE IT TO YOU, YOU HAVE TO TAKE IT." And from that moment on, I took the Lord’s "Peace". I embraced the words that He gave me, and I then was at peace within myself. Yes, I still grieved, but it was a different feeling. I was not in agony any longer.

And so this scripture still stands:
"But all who listen to me will live in peace"

Glenna Williamson

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