
Monday Devotional...Praise God in Both Sun and Rain

Praise God in Both Sun and Rain

I recently did I Bible Study about Job. I was feeling frustrated, and I got up from my desk and went out to get a cup of coffee, saying to God, “Wow that sure is an uplifting little piece of scripture, Lord! NOT”

Then I said a prayer asking Him to open my mind and heart to whatever He has to give me. I also asked Him to help me with my preformed attitude about Him where Job is concerned…getting a bit of a laugh when it occurred to me that my having any kind of attitude against God was laughable, foolhardy, non-productive, and a total waste of time.

The interesting thing that I noticed in this scripture was that Job does not act out. He is taking it like a man. Though he is blameless himself, he does not blame God for his tribulations. When his wife starts complaining and tells him to let go of his integrity...to just curse God and die. Job takes her to task and reminds her that they have to accept not only good from God but trouble as well. He calls her foolish, but the Hebrew word used means “moral deficiency.” Personal integrity and morality is a very important thing.

One insight that I received in my study of the Book of Job is that no matter what happens the important thing is how we react to it. I just thought about Jesus who just stood there and did not fight back. He did not curse his tormentors. He did not scream his rage at what was happening to Him. If we are going through a trial period and we keep our integrity and moral behavior, we have won where there could have been great losses.

"Though He slay me,
I will hope in Him
Nevertheless I will argue my ways before Him.
"This also will be my salvation,
For a godless man may not come before His presence.”
Job 13:15-16

This is beautiful. Job is saying that no matter what happens he will have hope in God. He may speak his issues as he sees them to God knowing that if he is given that opportunity to do so it will mean that he is a godly man. If not he would be banned from His Presence. I heard about a quote a few days ago that was written in a book by Mary Beth Chapman. (story) This is it…"Love of God is pure when joy and suffering inspire an equal degree of gratitude." What a wonderful philosophy…matches with the song…”Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”

Here is a link to listen to this amazing song...

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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