
Friday Devotional...5/18/12

The Oil of Gladness

I had a phone call from a dear friend and brother last night. When I answered the phone and knew who it was….he began to laugh and laugh and in return I started laughing hysterically. I don’t think we said a word for a minute or so as we both sounded like we could have been a recording for the fun house at a carnival.

Proverbs 17:22 says:
“A merry heart
doeth good like a medicine;
but a broken spirit
drieth the bones.”

What a blessing it is to be able to laugh or smile, for it is the oil of gladness to our bones. We carry so many weights of worry and stress….that it would do us good (like a medicine) to stop once in a while and call a friend who will lift our spirits so that we can get a good belly laugh!

I remember our Sunday School kids used to sing a little song that said >>> “Smile a while and give your face a rest” and “If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands.” And so it is….when we praise and worship the Lord, let’s smile a while, clap our hands and let our worship be of a merry heart. In return the Lord will pour out His oil of gladness on our souls, and this is when we can shout and sing!

Written by:
Glenna Williamson

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