

(devotional for Sunday 5/20/12)

Have you ever been in a situation where you made matters worse by becoming anxious and tense?  I remember as a child that I felt very self-conscious in school.  If I was carrying a lot of things and dropped one small thing, as I tensed up and tried to quickly pick it up, the situation would often become a disaster of everything being dropped.  I discovered as I grew older that if I just took it in stride and stayed relaxed, it was easier to pick up the one dropped item without losing everything else in my arms.  I've also found as I am learning the new skill of riding horses later in life, that if my foot slips out of the stirrup unexpectedly, I can keep my balance much better if I do not panic.  If I get apprehensive and tighten up all over, not only has my foot slipped, but soon my whole body slips - right onto the ground!  Also, if you see an accident about to occur, like someone about to rear-end your vehicle at a stoplight, tensing up in anticipation of the impact actually causes more harm to your body.  That is why some theorize that the drunk driver often walks away with minimal injuries, because they are more relaxed in not anticipating the crash.  Addictions in and of themselves give us another example.  Addicts often get caught in a cycle of acting on their addiction to numb feelings, then becoming distressed and anxious about that action, leading to more acting out to numb the feeling of anxiety.  But many addicts have discovered through the 12 steps that they must admit they cannot quit on their own and stop fighting so hard to "fix it" themselves.  As they relax and leave it in God's hands, the anxiety lifts and God's love restores them as they work through the steps.  Just the lifting of the anxiety itself makes a huge difference, and soon peace and joy take over as the changes occur, knowing there is safety in relaxing in God's arms.

When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, Lord, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy...   But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge.  Psalm 94: 18-19, 22 NIV

Bible With Jesus Is My Rock

So the next time you feel anxious about something, try to remember that God is in control of the outcome and will guide you through more easily if you relax and allow him to be your rock, your fortress, your refuge!

Prayer: Dear Lord in heaven, thank you for calming my anxious heart and showing me that what I need to do is leave everything in your capable hands. You give me the tools to use but the outcome is yours.  You've got it all covered, and you have my best interest at heart.  Help me to trust you so that I may relax and feel the joy and comfort of living life on your terms and in your arms. In Jesus' name, Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

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