
Saturday Devotional

Why Wait Until It’s Too Late?
Last week, my pastor delivered a controversial sermon…and I was proud of him for it. It doesn’t happen very often, but I’m praying that it will. Many people feel that at the end of their crazy week, they just want to hear something that’s easy to swallow. Likewise, a great number of Christians immerse themselves in heavy Bible studies during the week, so they expect something light and uplifting for their Sunday sermon. I disagree.

I’m a mother of four, and I stay home and home school my kids. My life is without a doubt crazy most of the time. I also do my best to discipline myself in some serious Bible study. However, if I want something light and easy to swallow, I’d just assume turn on a Disney movie rather than expect it from the pulpit.

This may not be what you want to hear for a Saturday devotional, but if a devotional is meant to make you ponder on something, well this is what my mind is pondering on right now.

My people perish from a lack of knowledge.
Hosea 4:6

How many times do I shake my head in sadness at what the Christian world is oblivious to? And why is it that so many Christians put their heads in the sand on worldly issues? Is it because they know that if they do educate themselves and face the truth, they’ll be convicted and forced to either uncomfortably push against the current of current events, or painfully remain silent and suppress what the Holy Spirit has pressed on them?

I recently heard an excerpt from a book by Andy Andrews called, “How Do You Kill 11 Million People?: Why the Truth Matters More Than You Think” that was very thought provoking. The story from this excerpt took place in Nazi Germany and was about a little church not far from a train station. This particular train station was a hub for loading up and sending sardine packed Jews to their death camps. Fully aware of what was about to happen to them, the horrified souls screamed in terror the entire trip. As the train would pass by the little church on Sunday morning…yes, that’s right, even on Sunday morning during church service…the parishioners would sing louder and louder and louder during their worship time. Instead of doing something…anything…about the evils lurking just around the corner, they would drown out the sound of it.

I can’t say that I can imagine the fear in any German citizen at the thought of standing up against Hitler’s regime, but I pray that I am never guilty of such cowardice. I pray that my fellow Christians are never guilty of such cowardice. The truth is, there was probably quite a bit that could’ve been done prayerfully as well as politically long before the small nation of Germany sank into the evil pit under Nazism. There always is. Also, in the midst of the storm of this period of time, there were some who did stand up and they made a difference. We herald them as heroes and think of their place of honor in heaven. Still, why was it allowed to go so far?

I pray that more and more pastors all over this nation will have the courage to take a stand. I pray that the Christian community does not put their head in the sand, but instead does their part…their duty…as citizens who bear the name of Christ…someone who was not afraid to take a stand against the leadership of His day. I encourage every one of us to educate ourselves on the facts, compare everything to scripture, pray for wisdom, and finally vote our consciences. Why wait until evil has had a chance to overrun us? Why wait until it’s too late?

Amie Spruiell

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