
Wednesday Devotional...5/2/12

"Shining Bright In A Dark World"

It still amazes me every time I think about the fact that I have the living God within me, since I have received Christ as my Savior. His very power is within me. It is sometimes difficult to grasp that truth. Especially when there are times that I don't feel powerful and I am not always experiencing His peace and presence.

But the truth is that He truly does reside within me. And because of that truth I carry His light wherever I go. When I walk into a dark place His light overcomes the darkness and the very atmosphere shifts. We are representatives and ambassadors for Jesus. He will give us courageous words to speak to those that need to hear the truth. And it is God's truth that brings them out of darkness into His light. In fact God's word tells us in...

 1Peter 2:9b
"who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light."

As believers we do shine bright and we have been commissioned through Christ to bring the lost into His saving grace. We are empowered and equipped from on high to accomplish what God has asked us to do. In Him we lack nothing.

I exhort each of you to go forth and allow God's light to shine brightly through you and make a difference to the lifes around you. You will find great satisfaction and purpose as you shine brightly for Christ onto a dark world.

Rich Blessings,
Sandy Billingham

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