
Wednesday Devotional...Gone Fishing

"Gone Fishing"

I was recently giving it some serious thought about one of my main purposes on this earth. That purpose is to make disciples of all nations as it talks about in Matthew 28:19. I can honestly say I personally have experienced seeing very few come to the Lord by way of God using me to introduce them to Him. I know I have had a part in planting seeds and sharing my testimony, which I know is important, but I truly desire to be used in greater ways to bring men and women to Christ.

Right now that is my urgent cry onto the Lord. I am ready to put that line and hook in deeper and go fishing for my Lord in greater intensity.

God says in His word in Matthew 4:19
"Follow me and I will make you fishers of men."

God tells us to follow Him and He will show us how to be a fisher of men.

As we trust and call to Christ for His leading, He is more than willing to show us creative, productive ways to reel in the lost.

I am anxiously awaiting that day that when many stop to see me, they will not find me home but a sign in my window simply stating "Gone Fishing For Men."

In His Love,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes it is not ours to "see" them come to the Lord. It is ours to plant the seeds; it is the Holy Spirit's work to transform their hearts. Some people need to hear about God 10 times before they turn their lives around. Our job is to be faithful in the fishing, not successful at getting the "fish" into the boat. God the Father creates the fish; we throw the hook into the water with the worm on it, the Spirit makes the hook hold in the mouth of the fish, with the Father He pulls them into the boat, and Jesus cleans them once they are caught! :)
