
Saturday Devotional..."No Need for Second Guessing"

Do you ever start to wonder and second guess your value? I think it is because each one of us knows our own underbelly. We know our weaknesses, and we know our shortcomings. For this reason we often torment ourselves with what ifs and coulda, shoulda, wish I woulda’s.
  • What if I had gone to ABC College instead of XYZ College?
  • I coulda studied harder and got a 4.0.
  • I shoulda majored in Theology instead of History.
  • I really wish I woulda gone on for my Ph.D.

If I had done all these things I might be a pastor now, or I might have known how to be a prayer warrior. My quiet times with God would leave me breathless with the feeling of accomplishing closeness to Him. I would always know what to do and how to do it. My family would reflect the perfection I owned, and they always would be on the right track. They would always know the Lord, and I would be blessed that they are in God’s family of the Born Again to which I belong.

Now, do not misunderstand. I am not saying that everyone, or, even I, for that matter, require any special kind of education to be who God wants them to be or to be the best they can. Nor am I implying that, even if when you do the things you knew God is leading you to, you could possibly be perfect all the time. It is not the actual things you do as you build your life. Rather it is how you do them. The second guessing should only include honest self evaluation to make sure you are doing your best to follow what He wants you to do and the quality of how you are drawn in to His plan.  It is what you make important that makes all the difference.

And, when you do have doubts, remember that you need to get a grip! These questions and doubts reflect the fact that Satan knows just how to torment you…just how to steal your joy. Take your doubts to God and listen to His answers. He will let you know where you are on track, and He will let you know if there are changes to be made.

You need to remember countless scriptures that assure you that God is in control, that God will not leave prayers go unanswered, that God is not a critical parent that one must fear. In fact, as far back as in the time of Isaiah, God gave us this message of comfort:

Long ago the LORD said to Israel:

“I have loved you, my people,
with an everlasting love.
With unfailing love
I have drawn you to myself…”
Isaiah 31:3

Wow!! He loves us no matter how many “what if’s and coulda, shoulda, woulda’s”  we worry about. We are free to receive this love that is everlasting by our God who has drawn us to Himself with unfailing love. Latch onto this, and give Satan the boot. He wants to rob and steal our well-being. He cannot succeed unless we let him.


Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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