
Wednesday Devotional...Strength...6/13/12

"He Is My Portion and My Strength"

Many times as I walk through the journey of life, I know that I can become quite weary. With the multiple responsibilities that are set before us we can sometimes feel overwhelmed and depleted of our strength.

The good news is that we have a wonderful Lord and Savior that is truly our strength. In fact He tells us in His word in Psalms 73:26 " My flesh and my heart fail; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."

Our Lord will always be there for us to provide the strength we need. His supply will never run out. Just when we feel we cannot go on another moment, He will renew our strength and fill us up to overflowing with Him. He will gird us up and be our portion forever!

If you are experiencing much weariness today, call upon the name of Jesus and He will be your strength and your portion all the days of your life.

In His Great Love,
Sandy Billingham

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