
Monday Devotional...6/25/12...Becomimg One

But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted.

John 15:7

I love my husband and I grow closer to him as time goes on. It is a healthy progression of the relationship. I have noticed that the closer we become, the more he and I share a commonality. He is wounded by what hurts me and I am happier over his successes than he is. It is a natural progression of the two becoming one.

When you know someone, love them and work to know them, their desires become your desires; their visions become your visions. The closer you grow, you realize that their dreams have morphed and merged with your dreams until there is no longer any differentiation. Their disappointment hurts your heart and their joys make you sing and dance the happy dance together.

You work toward a common goal. You plan and focus on attaining it. You reach together pull together. It is no longer an effort for yours or mine, but a melded focus of purpose. To put it simply, you want what makes them happy.

So it is with our God, our husband and our bridegroom. The natural evolution of our relationship is growing together. It is what He wants and what I want. It becomes, what He wants is what I want. As I learn to love God, grow close to Him, His desires, His will, His purpose become my own.

When I combine with God, remain in Him, my requests reflect what He wants and His purpose. They are no longer prayers for fleeting objects that fill our world, but rather, for things of eternal value.

Written by Jody Ward

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