
My Expectation...Tuesday


My soul, wait thou only upon God;
for my expectation [is] from him.
Ps. 62:5  

Where is your expectation?  Many years ago, I pleaded with God to get my husband to go to church. He led me to this scripture.  My expectation is from God, not my husband. We place too much expectation on one another. God is in charge. He knows what has happened, what is happening and what will happen. 

Waiting is hard for many of us. What we need to try to understand is that we are a work in progress and God’s timing is perfect. So, we must “Wait thou only upon God”.  This is so freeing of others in our lives.  We no longer pin all our hopes and dreams on them. Instead, we turn our eyes on God and expect from Him. After all, He only has good things waiting for us if we learn to wait on Him.

Recently, I went to a conference where we were told to close a chapter in our lives.  What God showed me was that I had to stop thinking of myself in the singular. After all, when I got married, we were told we were now as one in God’s sight. So, really I’m not in the singular, but in the plural that God has made singular. God showed me that He led the animals to Noah two by two, not one at a time. This is also how he views us in our marriage. We are plural, but also we are one in His sight. Confusing? Not really. Think about it. We are called a couple.  When God calls His church His Bride, we are made up of many, but the church is viewed as one – His Bride. So, the plural becomes singular. 

So, in my marriage, God is showing me not to make unilateral decisions. When my husband comes to me and asks, “We have to put a new roof on the rental house. Where do you want to take the money from?” I come back to him with, “Where do you think we should take the money from?” God is training me to look at my marriage as though we are one, and I have to educate my husband of this premise, too. For over 40 years, I have been in charge of our money. God is teaching me to bring my husband into the equation.  Only then will my husband begin to also feel this oneness God wants of our marriage union.  So, now, I can talk to God and say, “In my marriage, God, my expectation is from You!”  Maybe someday, my husband will share with me when he felt the burden lifted of me expecting from him. And hopefully, he will be sitting in church next to me when he does!

Written by 
Linda Garrett

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