
Saturday Devotional...June 23, 2012...Opportunity

An Opportunity to Trust God

I saw this graphic and thought long and hard about it.

Do not be disheartened by trials and problems. I am not saying that they are not a trial and hard to deal with. This is hard to do as well. We say we trust God and release the problem  to Him as one would release a helium filled balloon into the atmosphere. The only problem is that before it can float out of reach we are jumping up, catching the string, and pulling it back to ourselves. Here are some examples…some of little import and some really big problems…

You wake up anticipating a fun day in the city with a friend. You have been planning this outing for two months. She calls and says that she has something else to do.

Your son has been living with you for almost a year as he searches for a job. He just got a master’s degree last year and you thought it would be no time until he gots a job. You begin to think he will be a permanent resident at your house. It does not help that he is 35 years old.

Your daughter-in-law is often incapacitated by her Rheumatoid Arthritis. Many days she cannot work. And her husband, your son, has lost his job in a hostile takeover. He wants to retrain for a new career, but cannot because their financial situation is desperate. You and your husband end up giving him money…lots of it…very frequently so that he and his family can eat.

Two of these are serious problems. The first is small. The second was big for a year, but this son finally got a job. The third problem is still a big one to deal with with no solution in sight.

In the Bible it says…

Trust God from the bottom of your heart;
don't try to figure out everything on your own.
Listen for God's voice in everything you do,
everywhere you go; he's the one who will keep you on track.
Don't assume that you know it all.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Message Bible

So this is our instruction from God. It is so hard to let go of the things that are worrying you. Still, what good does it do to hang onto the worries? We know and believe that God has our best interests at heart. We also know that He has a plan for us to offer us a hope and a future. Still, we are a bit lacking in the trust option. Even when we believe it with every fiber our being,  it is still very difficult to let go of the fear and really trust God.

Father, help us to welcome problems and trials as a part of the offer we make to suffer as Jesus suffered. Even more important, Father, help us to welcome problems and use then as a way to build stronger trust in you and to learn lessons from You about them. Amen.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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