
The Trust Factor"

What if every day of your life went exactly the way you wanted it to? What if there were no trials, no tribulations, no difficulties in your life? Let's say you,your husband and your children never struggled and you had the picture perfect family. Not only that, but you always had an abundance in your finances and never knew what it was like to go with out or ever even be sick or discouraged.

Let's face it friend, in real life, in the real world that is highly unlikely to ever happen. Oh but we can dream about it and desire that to be the case, but that is as far as it goes.

The real truth is that as long as we live on this earth we will have problems. Not one of us will escape difficulty, disappointments, heartaches and pain.

The good news is that during our trying times we are never alone. We do not have to carry those burdens by ourselves. The Lord is there to help us. The bonus is that if we will but trust in Christ and cling to Him we will grow in the midst of those times. Those tough times really are blessings in disguise.

If we will fully surrender to Christ and trust Him completely in our hardships, He will do beautiful things in our life. He will be faithful to show Himself ever so strong on our behalf.

Christ is my trust factor! He is my only hope, my everything, and without Him I have no hope.

I will leave with these valuable words out of ...

Proverbs 3:5-6
 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths."

Let Christ be your "trust factor" and you will never regret it!

In His Love,
Sandy Billingham

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