
Wednesday Devotional...6/20/12...God's Creativity

God of Marvelous Creativity"

Before our Bible study today one of my friends mentioned that she was a "bird lover." Catherine shared how the Lord had answered a specific prayer request she had asked regarding a very unique bird. One day she had noticed a painted bunting in her back yard and how it delighted her so to see the bird. Now let me share for a moment about this type of bird. They are absolutely brilliant in their appearance. A painted bunting is splashed with bright blue, green and red plumage. In fact they are the most colorful birds on the continent.

Our Lord is truly a marvelous creator. He amazes me to no end!

His word says in Genesis 1:24
Let the earth bring forth the living creatures
according to its kind.!

The painted bunting is definitely according to its kind in a magnificent way, and there is nothing else like it. The Lord God Almighty is a phenomenal creator!

I would like to finish my friend's story on her specific prayer request onto the Lord. She asked the Lord if He would see to it that the painted bunting would be a regular in her back yard. In God's goodness to her He granted her the desires of her heart and the painted bunting shows up every day for her to enjoy. Isn't our God ever so good to each of us!!

In His Service,
Sandy Billingham

1 comment:

  1. I love this analogy, Sandy. Still it is wonderful when you see that God is answering a prayer. If I were your friend I would love to have this beautiful bird hanging around in my garden as well. Thank you for your faithfulness in sharing what God gives you every Wednesday.

    God bless.
