
Monday Devotional...I Have Plans

Plans for You

“For I know the plans
 I have for you,” says the Lord.
“They are plans for good
and not for disaster,
to give you a future and a hope.”

Jeremiah 29:11

A million things come to mind. I’m serious! That much comes to my mind.

As a writer, often I will have in mind a beginning and an end to a piece of writing. Then what to put in the middle is a different thing all together. But then again, as a writer, I’m dictating every stroke of my pen, but God does not dictate. He allows and intercedes into our choices to bring about His plans. Still there’s a million different choices that we can make in life. There’s no telling how many of them He’ll allow and how many He won’t.

Would I be where He wants me to be had I made different choices? Does He have a set number of plans that He determines will happen in my life regardless of my choices had I not made the rebellious choices in my teenage years, if I had not given birth to a child out of wedlock, if I had not chosen to stay home and be “domestic” instead of taking that promotion at work, would he still bring about that same plan?

What about the choices that were not my own? If I had not been removed from the Christian school, if I had not the sinful exposure to a number of things growing up, if my daughter’s biological father had not chosen to walk away from responsibility, would He still bring about the same plans?

Yes, there’s a million different ways a life can go at every turn, and He will allow it if He can use it to bring about His plans. Likewise, there’s just as many ways He’ll say, “No,” too.

If we believe what he says, if we trust that whatever happens, He has allowed it, not dictated it, but allowed it, then we’ve opened ourselves to receive the strength He has available to us to get through it so that we can finally get to those plans.

O.K. My mind does not stop there. He has plans for us in this life and in the life after it. The plans He has for us in eternity keep going from one plan to the next to the next to the next. There isn’t just one happy ending, there are infinite happy endings. I guess they’re not really called endings then. No, they’re plans.

If I keep going, I’ll talk about just the opposite. The plans Satan has for us. Then I’ll open up a whole new Pandora’s Box.

Never mind…I’ll stop where I’m at.  One more thing; can you imagine as a writer, having your beginning and your end as well as each character, but allowing the characters to write the middle themselves. Oh boy! I’m done.

Written by Amie Spruiell

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