
Saturday Devotional...7/21/12...Let's Consider This Name of God

Psalm 119 E
An Acrostic of...


A Name of God meaning All Powerful One, Creator


Everything that moves, on earth, in water and in sky,
Elegantly proclaiming the awesome glory of God on high
Eyes lifting to heavenly realms where
     crimson, saffron, and indigo colors delight
Everywhere in splendor as the sun sets low giving me
     the inky black and star studded night for a respite.

All powerful One, Creator
From the mysteries of the Hubble photos to the magnificence of deep sea creatures hidden through the ages but revealed in my time You bless me with your resplendent world.


Lord and Master of the cosmos You created and detailed in wonder
Lovingly You brought it forth with flashes of light and crashes of thunder
Looking forward to forming Your children from all eternity;
     creating them for fellowship with You.
Leading me on to know Your love, by my side, guiding me to grow in wisdom
     and virtue

All powerful One, Creator
Creator of your wondrous universe and of those You made in Your image and likeness.


Oh Lord, what did I do to merit such an astronomical reward and
     xtraordinary regard
Of you obliterating from Your memory that I am sinful and quite scarred
Overlaying my repented wickedness with your boundless sensibility and     
     limitless tenderness of action
You help me prepare and invite me to live with You in your eternal heavenly

All powerful One, Creator,
You gave your Son to live on earth to guide, to teach, and to offer me salvation.


Hearing my cries to You, oh God, You show me how to hearken to your voice
Helping me to grow in the ways of Your love, I choose and in you I will
  always rejoice
Hope is the gift You have provided me which empowers my faith in things
     dreamed of but still unseen
Healing my despair and giving me boldness to expect, that the day when my
     my time to become truly eternal will at last convene.

All powerful One, Creator,
You prepare a place for me to joyfully live with You in perpetuity.


Infinite, immeasurable, inestimable, demonstrating glory beyond my ability to
     to have comprehended.
Immensity of your love and generosity such that any understanding that I
     might have, in heaven finally will be mended
Injustice happens, and though I wonder why, I know that my promise is not
     earthly, it will be part of my future guaranteed assurance
I will be with you forever in the heavenly gardens filled with Your sweet

All powerful One, Creator,
You are beyond my ability to grasp, which gives me such love as with my human ability I can achieve.


Maker of all that is good, filled with kindness, and a desire for blessing me
Madness is in this world, but You have given me tools to overcome it and a
     heightened ability
Magnanimous is a pale word to describe all that You do for me, for all Your
     children to arrive to that
Magnetic moment when we will arrive at your celestial gates because with your
     support we have won all our earthly combats.

All powerful One, Creator,
I wait down here on earth for the day when I will meet You face to face and sing Your  
praises with fellow  citizens of paradise.

Please read Psalm 119

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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