
Saturday Devotional...RISE

 Songs can lift you up when you most need it.

We get the most wonderful messages from God in many, many places. Of course, the most obvious resource that we have is the Bible. However, God chooses many ways to communicate with us. These include words spoken by friends, news stories, words of our children, and just life in general. From the give and take of life's happenings we are able to draw many spiritual conclusions. Sometimes the things that we become aware of are really amazing.

For me, one of the most powerful ways that I receive input from God is through Christian music. I lisen to a station called KLove all the time…in my car and at home. This station broadcasts all over the country. I have heard people who give testimonies on the air. Recently a man said that he wanted to keep God foremost in his mind, and listening to KLove helps him with that goal. I did not start out to talk about how listening to Christian radio is an excellent way for a person to center herself. However, this is where my writing today suddenly went. I guess this is a message that I believe I am led to write about as a preliminary concept. For me music is very powerful , and I choose Christian music all the time. Here is a link KLove… http://www.klove.com/ . You can find it on a local broadcast  of this station in your area or you can stream the music of KLove on your computer.

What I started out to write about, is a song that is one of my current favorites. Have you ever found yourself in a position where you feel that you will never be able to overcome the thing that is dragging you into despair? I know that I have found myself in this situation countless times. I know rationally that with the help of God I will overcome the challenge I am facing. Still I become an emotional wreck. The enemy whispers in my ear, “You will never prevail over this challenge.” If I listen to his lies pretty soon I am despondent and under a black cloud. Can you relate? If you find yourself in such a position here is a song you could listen to. It points out that “He who is in me is stronger than I will ever be.” HOW TRUE! Listen and believe. God has you by the hand as you climb this mountain together.

This is a link to the song I referring to on YouTube. The name of the song is “Rise” by Shawn McDonald. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGw8EjkFP18  

Also know that Christian music is filled with messages from God that will keep Him utmost on your mind and help you to deal with any challenge you are facing.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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