
Wedneday Dev0tional 7/4/12.. "Today Is The Day Of Salvation"

Is The Day Of Salvation"

Little did my husband and I know what appeared to be a low key Sunday evening would turn out to be a night of adventure and a life that would be forever changed!

Let me begin my God story on a quiet Sunday evening that my husband and I decided to walk to the neighborhood Taco Bell fast food establishment. We thoroughly enjoyed our walk there and worked ourselves up a good appetite. As we walked into the restaurant, we noticed that a young gentlemen waiting to order had an extremely glassy eyed stare that was somewhat out of sorts. We also overheard the conversation of a young women on her phone that was obviously quite distraught and emotionally upset. She talked quite loudly and this continued for some time. Eventually the young gentlemen we saw when we first came in went to sit with her when he had gotten his food.

My husband and I received our food and found a booth not too far from the couple. When she was off the phone, she and her boyfriend began to engage in a very intense conversation. Harsh words were exchanged until the boyfriend decided to leave the building. The young woman began to hold her hands to her face and weep.

During this time my husband I were trying to figure out what we could do to help. My thoughts were to offer up prayer for them, but finding the best time was a little tricky. In time the boyfriend came back to the restaurant and continued on with a conversation with the woman. Angry words continued to fly and the conversation escalated where it was clear the relationship was not getting any better. The women then decided to leave and the boyfriend followed after her trying to convince her to stay with him.

We also left, since we were through eating. As we walked outside the young woman approached us asking for cigarettes. My answer to her was no, but could we pray for you? She immediately answered back with a resounding yes! Would you please pray for me! She then hugged me tightly and we prayed. I prayed for her while my husband was ministering to her boyfriend. She asked me to pray for her babies that she no longer had custody of. I also asked if you would like to accept Jesus, in which she was more than ready to do. She prayed the salvation prayer and I prayed for her for peace and that God would take care of her babies.

All the while my husband was talking to the two of them 4 police cars pulled up. The manager had apparently called them because of the disturbance they were making in the restaurant. I assured the women she now had assurance that she would be in heaven when she died and that God would take care of her and her babies. The young man, who smelled strong of alcohol was not quite ready to make a commitment to Jesus. We soon left the couple to work the situation out with the law.

God's word tells us in John 1:12 "But as many as recieved Him to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name." This past Sunday evening Charlene surrendered her life to Jesus and now has that full assurance that she will spend eternity with Christ. Her life was forever changed from distress and hopelessness to hope and peace and a future with Christ

In His Love,
Sandy Billingham

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