
Wednesday Devotional...Surrender to Christ

 "Real Life In Christ"

A friend of mine was sharing today with myself and another lady that real life can only be found in Christ. And how true that statement is! We can go through the motions of every day living and try to experience joy and happiness in a multitude of ways. The truth of the matter is, that the ultimate abundant and fullfillment of real life can be found only in the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus tells us in His word in John 14:6

 "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
 No one comes to the Father except through Me." 

As we come to Christ and give Him our entire life, He grants us "the real life." That real life exists of His way, His truth and a rich life in Him.

I can confidently say that when I surrendered my life to Christ I truly got the whole package. In that package was the real deal and that deal was real life in Christ.

 In His Service,
 Sandy Billingham

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