
Friday Devotional...A Grandmother’s Heart...


Hailey, my five year old granddaughter started kindergarten yesterday. Where has the time gone, as it seems like just yesterday my kids were starting their first day of school. As a matter of fact, it seems like it was me that started my first day of school…and now here I am staring at days gone by. Where did the years go, how did time fly-bye so fast!

I woke up yesterday morning thinking about how excited Hailey was going to be starting her first day of kindergarten and the emotions of my daughter as her little girl will begin her journey in life’s school. My heart was happy and sad all at the same time.

I began to pray over Hailey’s life and future when I felt a nudge in my spirit from the Lord to write my little Hailey Bug (my nick name for her)… a short letter in which I could make known my heart to her. Knowing that it wouldn’t make any sense to her now, but some day at the end of her educational years she can look back and see what her “Mimi” had written to her so personally and the significance from her Mimi’s heart that was intended just for her.

August 22, 2012 Wednesday 9:00 a.m.
To My Dear Precious Hailey Bug:

Well honey, this is your first day of school (kindergarten). Mimi wanted to write you a little letter on this day to tell you that I’m thinking about you, love you and have prayed for you that the Lord will have his hand upon you as you grow up and fitinto all your school days ahead.

You are such a smart girl and have ambition to succeed and excel in whatever you put your little hands to. It’s so fun for me to watch you grow up as I see your enthusiasm to learn and inquire.Hailey, you are my first grandchild and you are very special to my heart. I hope you conquer all your quests in life and the road is smooth for you.

Love You With All Of My Heart

Written by
Glenna Williamson

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