
Friday Devotional...Believe Ye That I Am Able?

 Let Your Eyes Be Opened

It still amazes me how the Lord speaks to us, directs us and leads us. I had a thought in my mind all week about what I was going to write for my weekly devotional….the thought of “Eyes” kept coming to mind.

I opened my big family Bible that I usually don’t use, but today I thought I would look through it… thinking that I’d look through the concordance to search out scriptures regarding eyes. I thought to myself “There must be hundreds of scriptures referring to eyes, this may take a lot of time to seek out all the scriptures to that reference.” But that word was persistent to my thoughts.

When I opened my Bible, there in the middle of it was a “Get Well” card that I had saved from last year (September 25, 2011) from when I had been very sick with bronchitis. This home made “Get Well” card was signed by at least twenty Christian brothers from Soledad State Prison to whom had been praying for my health and recovery. I have been involved in prison ministry for many years and know that there are sincere Forgiven Christian Men who love the Lord ….serve and believe in Jesus with all their might and to the best of their ability.

I started reading all the special notes of the “Get Well Soon” wishes and messages from all these Brothers >>>> when one caught my eye. It was from a brother named Freddie. He wrote out the scripture from  Matthew 9: 28 – 29 which says:

28 And when he was come into the house, the blind men came to him: and Jesus saith unto them, Believe ye that I am able to do this?
They said unto him, Yea, Lord.
29 Then touched he their eyes, saying,
According to your faith be it unto you.

Need I say any more….There it was! The scripture that I was to share … “Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.

Thank you Freddie for sharing the word of faith and may this word be alive to you and come back to you again today.

Thank God that our eyes have been opened as He has given us Salvation and Faith to believe that all things are possible with God.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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