
Monday Devotional...Convidence based on...


Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways
submit to him, and he will
make your paths straight.

 Proverbs 3:5-6

We don't need to lie in bed or hide in our room, (my cave as my kids called it)and fret over our worries and fears like I did for years. Instead, as we can grip onto the mighty power of God; our trust in Him covers every wondering doubt. God doesn't promise us a bliss-filled life. But He does promise He's in control and all things work together for our good.

The Lord says in Romans 8:28 that no matter what comes our way,

 He has the ultimate ability and power to work it out for good.

In fact, our worries and fears are no big deal to Him—God is more powerful than anything life throws our way. He wants us to come to Him, completely trusting Him with our worries and fears—that He has our best in mind.

Our God is an awesome God indeed!

Written by Terri Baker

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