

Sunday devotional for 8/12/12

Treasure Chest

The word "treasure" can conjure up a multitude of different images.  I usually first think of a treasure chest overflowing with gold coins and jewels.  But it can also refer to a person - "She is such a treasure" - or even a treasured object, an item that holds special meaning.  Treasures that are valuable objects are often guarded, stored in a safe, or even hidden to protect them.  They may be collected and saved. The more valuable they are seen to be, the more they are protected, generally.  Many different things come to mind regarding treasures - mostly positive things.

Treasures can become problematic, though.  If we have a lot of valuable objects, thieves and robbers may be more likely to target us.  We also may begin to think that we are self-sufficient and not take into account all the unexpected things that could change our whole picture.  Hoarding could occur and then they lose their intended purpose.  We may have difficulty parting with our valuables and thereby miss opportunities to help others.  We may even begin to see them as the most important things in our lives, or become very upset when they are lost or we have to give them up.  Though we often think of treasures as something good, they can become a source of great turmoil.

The most important treasure in our lives is Jesus Christ, and the salvation he freely gives to us by grace through faith.  God gives us many gifts here on earth, but his desire is that we use them for furthering his kingdom, not for padding our pockets or building our own earthly kingdom.  He does not want our treasures on earth to be a distraction to us but rather a blessing to others as we generously share them with others.  Most importantly, He wants our hearts set on him, not on material things.  God's desire is that we treasure our relationship with him and share our faith with others.  Our greatest treasures on earth are but a mere shadow of our treasure in heaven.  

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.  Matthew 6:19-21 (NIV)

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jan

    It is very important to prioritize what you value...what is your treasure. You have done a wonderful job of describing what matters. It is the Lord Jesus Christs. Well done!

    God bless!
