
Wednesday Devotional...8/8/12...Learn what God has for us.

"Press Towards The Goal"

As long as we live on this earth for the Lord, there will always be new and fresh things He wants to teach us. We don't ever want to get to that point that we know it all and get comfortable where we are at in our Christian walk. There is always so much more that God wants to show us.

In Philippians 3:14 it says
"I press toward the goal for the prize
of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." 

If we are but willing and continuously surrendered to God, the sky is the limit what He can do through us! He wants us to stretch our spiritual muscles and go beyond where we have ever gone before.

He desires us to launch out into the deep and to let Him do new things in our life as we minister to those He puts in our lifes.

Press towards the goal of the call of God, drink deeply in Him and watch Him do miraculous things in your life!

In His Love,
Sandy Billingham

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