
Wednesday Devotional..."Reaching Out With God's Love"...


Last week a friend and I went shopping at a one of my most favorite stores! We were checking out all the purses, shoes, jewelry and other accessories. We literally had a blast! While we were in the jewelry department admiring all the beautiful jewelry, all of a sudden we heard a loud shriek coming from a few feet away from us. As we looked in that direction, we saw a middle-aged woman that had fallen from her walker and was sprawled out on the floor. A few people surrounded her and were not quite sure what to do. I decided to see how I could be of help. I asked her if she was alright. She shared that her right arm was really hurting. I asked if she could move it around some and she was able to, but it was uncomfortable. I asked if I could pray for her arm and she immediately brightened up and said yes. I prayed for God's healing. She was very thankful was then able to get back up and go on her way.

I felt blessed to be used of God. We truly are to be His hands and feet every day. I desire more opportunities to be used of God.

God's word says in 1 Timothy 2:1
"Therefore I exhort
first of all that supplications,
prayers, intercessions,
and giving of thanks
be made for all men."

Daily God is calling us to pray for the people that He puts in front of us. Not only to pray for them but love them as well. The opportunities are endless if we are but willing to be a vessel in which He will pour Himself into.

My heart cries out to God that He will use me powerfully for His Glory each and every day. I know for certain if I am serious to be used by Him that He will be serious to put those people before me in which I am thankful!

In His Service and Love,
Sandy Billingham

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