
Friday Devotional...9/28/12...THE VOICE...

                                                              ...My Sheep Shall Know My Voice

There’s a T.V. program called “The Voice”. I really enjoy watching talented people make their way through this singing competition in order to win the title of “The Voice”

Four judges listen carefully and very intently to each singer with their backs turned away from the auditioner as they know just what to listen for being it range, soul, pitch or a variety of various individuality talents that they are searching for.

When they hear that chosen “Voice” that they think will be successful in a singing career….the judges then have the option (with their backs still against the vocalist) to push a button which will twirl their chair around to face the soloist.

Sometimes there is what I would call a great singer, nothing wrong to my ear as to why at least one of the judges did not push their button in order to give the singer a chance to choose them to be their mentor.

At times when asked of each judge that did not pick the candidate “Why didn’t you turn around?” The judge will inevitably say….”I was looking for a certain voice, and I just didn’t hear it, in this particular stage guest”…..I’m sorry.

This reminds me of the scripture in
John 10:27
My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 

Born again Christian believers in Jesus….have heard his voice and know him and follow him. He will guide us all the days of our lives as one might say “The forever career of our life” He is our Savior, our Lord, our Brother and our mentor if we will but hear his voice.

Written by:
 Glenna Williamson

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