

Devotional for Sunday 9/23/12

Humility means to have a modest opinion of your own importance.  It does not mean that you have a low opinion of your own self worth. Nor is it the same as being humiliated, which is the painful loss of self-respect or dignity. True humility comes with a feeling of peace within yourself and honor for God.  Being humble before others is being happy with the gifts God has given you without bragging about them, giving God the credit for making it all happen. 

Being humble before our fellow human beings is one thing, but being humble before God means so much more.  God is so great, one would think it would be very easy to be humble before the Lord. But pride has a way of sneaking into the picture without us even realizing it.  Sometimes we look down on other people in a church for not being "good Christians" because of things they have done or not done, said or not said, taught or not taught, etc.  At other times we may feel thankful that we are not like "those other people" who don't obey the law, or don't believe in God, etc. Or perhaps we feel if we are a good enough person, we will make it to heaven. These are all prideful things before God.  Being humble before the Lord is admitting that we are never perfect, that we are always sinful human beings, and that we can only rely on God for salvation through faith in Jesus Christ.  When we practice this kind of humility, then we receive God's grace and are lifted up by Him.

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble...  Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will exalt you.  James 3: 7, 10 NIV
Praying On The Bible

written by Jan Andersen

1 comment:

  1. Good one Jan,
    A good example of this are the Pharasees, and Jesus warned against such lack of humility. In us this pompousness is less magnified but is often inheritant. I am guilty of this with a person who is in our Bible study. She gets off track and goes down rabbit trails. I have a hard time dealing with this. But God is telling me. "and who do you think you are?" Your devotioal says it in a nutshell. Good food for thought. It is so wonderful that God puts lessons in front of us just when we need them.

    God bless!
