
Monday Devotional...9'17/12...Life Seasons...

                                         ...quilts of God's Planting in the body of Christ

With the eyes of the eagle soar and look.   Focus in and see.
Look and see the scope of the field in your care.    

This is your church.
 Squares, side by side, the church is like a patchwork quilt, and it stretches far and wide across the landscape.  A vast array of hues and colors define the squares as seasons in the life of the field.

 In the body of Christ and the life of the church we are continually passing through seasons.   Not all members are passing through the same season.  This is why all the body is necessary to hold the fabric of His planting together as it grows.   United by the faithful love of Jesus and his grace we need to be ever sensitive to the body to extend and show God’s love to others in seasons different than what we are presently going through.

Winter - Brown is winter.  It is inactive soil, in preparation.  We can see no growth.  The seed is dormant.  It is a season of challenges and trials.  There is pruning happening and it comes with pain.  We have seen our hard work tilled under.  Through the pain and disappointment we see a hope of new growth and a birthing of new fruit.   In the death of winter, the seed waits for the Son. 

 Spring - The green of spring sees the release of the seed and the potential God has implanted in the seeds makeup.  God knows the purpose for the seed and it is his good pleasure to see all its goals fulfilled. New growth has broken out.  The rain of the Spirit and illumination of the Son brings life.

 Summer - Golden yellow rays of the Son make summer a time of intense growth.   Much is accomplished.   The presence of God is felt close and tangible..  The atmosphere is electric.  Miracles happen here.  Fruit is set and grown.

 Autumn - Fall comes in hues of orange.   The fruit is harvested in much joy.   The work is hard but the reward is great.  In the fruit is much seed.    The harvest is bountiful.  Rest now in the grace of God and his love.

 As we grow together, God is faithful to equip workers in the field.  As we go to the tool shed of God, he equips us and sends us.   Everyone has a job to do.  Growth is a community endeavor.  May your eyes see the work our Lord is doing in the body and especially in you…and may you be gentle with yourself and with others, knowing that each season is purposed by the Holy spirit.Amen

Written by Sue Bower

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