
Monday Devotional...GOD'S DIAMOMDS....

                                                   ...CAN BE FOUND EVERWHERE! 

Looking at the leaves
Roses not coming just yey
Colored rust and green.

Early morning sun
Shining down on the garden
Mottled shade and sun.

Suddenly I see
Diamonds shining everywhere.
Where do they come from.

They’re a gift of God
Delightful and beautiful
Dew drops on each leaf.

And then I notice
The leaves are rimmed with small spikes
Edges scalloped points.

It comes to my mind
That life gives challenge too
Spikes to climb over.

But it’s when we climb
If we will learn His lessons
God’s diamonds are won.

Every day everrywhere we look we can see the diamonds God is given us...that is if we look. The world, the people in it that He has given us, and the things that happen in our lives offer us diamonds to enjoy and be thankful for. This poem was written in the spring, but every season provides its own special diamonds. We are fast approaching fall . Here is a fall diamond I treasure.. Do not miss the wonderful things God has put into our lives. Do not miss the beauty of His voice that is there for us to hear and realize for the taking. Even in times of challenge if we listen and say frequently, "Jesus I love you. Jesus I trust you." We will gain "diamonds" to treasure and learn from.

Today I invite you to tune in to what God is giving you
and begin a diamond crown that will bless you throughout your livfe.

God bless you always and especialy today
Corinne Mustafa

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