
Wednesday...9/19/12..."The Power Of The Message Of The Cross"...

             ...sometimes can only be accpted because of your prayer
                        for someone and not by debating with the doubter.

I recently had a conversation with a person who was extremely adamant against the message of the Cross. They saw my belief and everything Christ stands for as foolish. They were certain that I had no proof and that serving and living for Christ was a waste of my time. They were out for an argument that they were absolutely convinced they would win.

I chose not to argue and to just let them blow off their steam and views while listening quietly. I knew arguing was not the answer and that it would only add to the fuel and antagonize this person more. Scripture tells us in

1 Corinthians 1:18

"For the message of the cross
 is foolishness to those 
who are perishing,
but to us who are being saved 
it is the power of God."

Only by the Power of the Holy Spirit revealing truth to this person would they be able to grasp the message of the Cross. It is my job to pray for this person and to allow God's love to flow through me onto them. The rest is up to God. I am on my knees believing someday for radical transformation in their life and that they will allow Jesus into their heart so they may spend eternity with Him. It is then and only then that they will know the Power of the Cross!

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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