
10 24 12...Wednesday Devotional..."Be Of Good Cheer"

                                                                    ...for He has overcome the world!

My husband took off work yesterday and we decided to go canoeing. Our canoeing trip started out nice and easy until minutes after getting started we came across an area of thick, grassy, seaweed that covered the lake for several feet. It was quite difficult to move the paddles, but we pressed on and got through it. We canoed in sinc with one another and were totally enjoying our time. We stopped about midway to relax and drink our water to get refreshed.

We took off again and realized the wind was picking up pretty strong and the current became very forceful as we tried to maneuver our canoe. We would paddle forward only to be pushed back a few feet. Never- the- less we did not give up. We paddled hard and heavy and were relentless in getting back to where we began our trip.

Life can be like I described our canoe trip at times. It can be going very smoothly and all of sudden the grassy,seaweed and forceful currents began to hit us head on. We feel discouraged and distraught but we can't give up. We have to keep "paddling" on 'till we reach our destination!

God tells us in John 16:33
"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.
In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer,
I have overcome the world."

There is nothing like God's perfect peace that He promises us. He also says we will have tribulation, but we can still be joyful for He has overcome the world. So rest in God's promises my friend each and every day.

In His Radical Love,
Sandy Billingham

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