

devotional for Sunday 10/21/12

Even to your old age and gray hairs,  I am he, I am he who will sustain you.  I have made you and I will carry you;  I will sustain you and I will rescue you.  Isaiah 46:4  NIV

God is with us throughout our lives.  He created us.  He knew us even before we were conceived in the womb.  He sustains us throughout our lives. He gives us the strength to move through all our trials and tribulations.  He not only promises to be with us through it all, he also will carry us when we don't have the strength to make it to the other side.  We not only will be in his arms during the difficulties, we will be rescued! Even when it seems in our own eyes that we are not being rescued, God is doing his work for good to occur in our lives.  And whenever we do die, we are still rescued from sin, death and the devil as we join him in heaven.  Our awesome God cares for us from before the time we are born through to our eternal life with him in glory.
Isaiah 46:4 (60 kb)

Prayer: Dear Father in heaven, you have created us and through your Spirit you continue to sustain and carry us in your strong arms.  Please rescue us from all evil in this world and bring us safely home to rest on your chest in our eternal home with you and your son, Jesus, in whose name we pray.   Amen.

written by Jan Andersen

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