
Friday Devotional....12/12/12.........Birthday - Birth Day

The month of October is very special to me. All three of my children were born in October. On all three occasions, it rained the day each were born which was a heavenly sign to me, a sign of clear air, a fresh new start….the new start of life.

I started thinking about each of my kids birthdays this month as to me it is my “Birth Day” as well. Because my body a vessel (as their Mother) gave them life but I know that it was God that breathed the breath of life into their little bodies and souls.

That’s what Jesus did for us when we repented of our sins, he breathed the breath of life eternal into our souls. Now we were not only born of the flesh, but of the spirit when we received the Holy Ghost. What a gift, not wrapped in pretty paper, but the gift that only God could give >>> Life, and Life More Abundantly!

Happy Birthday Ronald, Tracy & Randy

Happy Birth Day to me (Mom)


Happy New Birth Day to us all…. when Jesus washed our sins away

Written by:
Glenna Williamson

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