
"Surrounded By A Great Cloud Of Witnesses"

This evening my husband and I took a stroll at my favorite park. It is encircled by a beautiful body of water with many types of birds. We also saw several lovely deer. It was quite a treat with the exception of one thing. During one point of our walk, we were surrounded by a cloud of male mosquitoes that seemed to follow us for several minutes. There were literally hundreds of them. They were of great hindrance and agitation to us and slowed us down to some degree. We had to continually bat at them to keep them at bay, but we continued to press on in our walk.

I began to ponder about these cloud of mosquitoes, which led me to start thinking about the scripture out of Hebrews 12:1 which says "Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us."
We are surrounded daily by a cloud of Godly men and women who have gone before us and ran the race. They are cheering us on, encouraging us to press onward no matter what we may face in life. God's word tells us to not allow any hindrance or sin to weigh us down. We are called to run with great endurance the race that God has set before us to the very end.
With the cloud of mosquitoes that we faced today, we chose to carry on and not be ensnared by them in our walk. I encourage each of you as you walk each day and are faced with difficulties that may tend to weigh you down, remember the great cloud of witnesses that surround you and run that race with amazing endurance in the strength of the Lord.
In His Amazing Love,
Sandy Billingham

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