
Thursday Devotional...10/4/12...God Cares

I sat down in the recliner with a sigh. Opening my book I started reading the last of 20 or so pages. Within a minute I grabbed a tissue as a few tears started to flow, my heart beating with anticipation and sympathy for the main character. Then my son asked me an important question. I know it was important because he paused his Xbox game and turned in his seat toward me.

“Why do you read books that make you cry?” he asked, looking at me seriously.

Inside I was a little miffed at the implication that I was doing something silly or questionable.

“I am reading a story about a young woman’s life and I am crying with relief and joy as she discovers God’s love for her and how He is moving in her life,” I replied somewhat defensively. This answer seemed to satisfy my son and he went back to his game.

I have to say that I love reading novels. I used to restrict myself from reading because once I started I wouldn’t put it down not for love nor money, nor dinner, nor dirty diapers, nor sleep! I especially enjoy novels that show the real insides of people. I ache when they ache, I sob when they are broken or crushed, and I hold my breath every time they get close to recognizing that God loves and cares for them. Relief floods through me and my shoulders relax as they take a step of faith and accept His offer of salvation. But as we all know the story never ends there.

The sky may be blue and the trees full of birdsong but the world we live in comes quickly at us trying to rip this wonderful gift of God’s love into shreds. Soon a voice we know too well (a friend, a relative, a co-worker, or an enemy) will spit out words at us that will dive deep into our heart grabbing at the seed of Truth God has planted there.

The gift of salvation fills us with hope. But the working out of that salvation takes time and work. It takes lots of hard, painful, intense work to free ourselves of the ties and lies of those who do not know God’s grace.

So, I read books that make me cry because the human condition is worth crying over. I want to be reminded that I have no idea what secret pain, shame, or sorrow may exist deep in the soul of the woman beside me.

Romans 12:15 (NASB)
Rejoice with those who rejoice,
and weep with those who weep.

Hebrews 13:3 (NIV)
Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners,
and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering.

Dear Lord, Please help me to have compassion for all of mankind. Please help me to remember to pray for those You have brought to my attention. Please open my eyes, heart and mind to any practical way that I might relieve someone’s suffering. In Your precious name, amen.

Written by Mary M. Wilkins

The book that had me so absorbed:
The Penny
by Joyce Meyer and Debbie Bedford

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