
Tuesday Devotional..Your real.BFF

We all run around trying to find and spend time with friends. I am not saying that this is a bad thing...that is if it is not taken to excess. As women we love to spend time with friends on the phone, at a meal in a restaurant, shopping, or having a dinner party. We look to our friends for advice, approval, and even help with projects. We feel blessed that we have them in our lives, and wait with pleasant anticipation of the times spent together. These people are our BFF's...you know BEST FRIEND FOREVER.
Added to this is the computer time we spend with the social sites and keeping up with all the news or whatever. The other thing that are time takers include crafts, reading, writing, and (no not arithmatic...lol) sports and exercise.

Still at the end of the day all friends return alone to their own lives. Actually this is what really counts. There are chores to do, children to teach and guide, dinner to be made, and a husband to build an ongoing relationship with. These things also take a tole on our personal time. There are times when all of this is so overwhelming that we stop to ask ourselves how to do it all. Where is the time?

If you add a quiet time with the Lord into the mix it is a good thing...but also another undertaking. It should be the most important one of all. For many it is the best time of the day. However, when you are feeling rushed due to all that you do it sometimes means just going through the motions. Do you ever wonder why you have not heard from the Lord during your quiet time?

The idea is to have balance in the time spent on any activity. Giving time to the Lord is the thing that should take priority and the application of balance should happen with the remaining time we have to spend on the other things we want to do.

The amazing thing is that we have a SBFF (Supreme Best Friend Forever) who is always as near can be. He understands everything about us; He knows our every hope and desire; and He loves us unconditionally. When we realize that we are NEVER alone it gives us the idea that we do not have to fill our lives with business. We can "be still" and bask in the fact that we "know that He is God."

Have a wonderful time with your SBFF!

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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