
Extra Devotional...Grow In Grace

In 2 Peter 3:18 it says,
"But grow in the grace and knowledge
 of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be the glory both now and forever."

Daily the Lord desires for His people to grow in His grace and knowlege. The only way we can grow in those areas are by reading His word and spending time with the Father and other believers. Particularly today I wanted to share on the importance of walking in grace.

Recently I heard a teaching on grace. The person brought up the Gary Ridgeway case. Gary is referred to as the Green River serial killer. He shared particularly on the day that the victim's loved ones had a chance to talk to Gary in the courtroom. They each had an opportunity to share their feelings with him and how it had affected them and their families. One by one the the victim's loved ones came forth and spewed out poisonous, hateful words to Gary. Over and over they told him how they hated him and how he had brought so much pain in their lifes. The majority of the people had tremendous bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness towards Gary.

Then one man came forward named Bob. He proceeded to tell Gary that he had forgiven him for what he had done to his loved one. He continued to pour abundant words of grace to Gary. At that time something profound took place. When all the other people had shared with him, he was without remorse and stonefaced. But when Bob begin to share, Gary's lip began to quiver and tears began to roll down his face.

I was taken back by that story. A revelation came to me like no other. It made me think that if each of us would extend that same grace that Bob had given to Gary, lifes would be forever changed. You may be thinking that Gary doesn't deserve that grace. That may be true, but the bottom line is that none of us deserve grace. The Lord so lovingly pours out that grace to us that we are undeserving of.

My prayer is for each of you to allow God's grace to freely flow through you onto others on a daily basis. God's grace will give you great freedom as you grant that grace to others. Unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment will melt and freedom and healing will takes its place. Grow in abundant grace daily!

Sandy Billingham

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