
Friday Devotional...11/2/12...SHELTER

As I’ve watched the news this week of the devastating Super Storm “Sandy”, I’ve witnessed so many people that have lost their homes to the wind, rain and sea of this horrific hurricane. Homes that have been a shelter to thousands of inhabitants have been blown down or ruined by the surge of floods.

Most realize that life is the most important thing to be saved in such devastation, but one’s home is where the heart is. I can’t imagine losing a home, a shelter that has been a refuge, a place of resting, a place where family has been together for meals, sleep and enjoyment….a roof over their heads. To look at the ruins of ones life long accomplishments, memories are all they have left of what was once their shelter.

That being said, I thank of the Lord… for He is our shelter, our refuge and our fortress. 

“For thou hast been a shelter for me,
a strong tower from the enemy”.
Psalms 61:3

‘God is our refuge and strength
a very present help in trouble.
Psalms 46:1

Shelter is probably one of the most important things in life in which we live and have our being. Hopefully and prayerfully these citizens can once again rebuild, or find a dwelling place of shelter for safety and peace to re-establish their dwelling place once again. Lord help us all.

I am so thankful to know the Lord and his mercy. He truly is our place of refuge, our hiding place from the storms of life for he is our shelter.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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