
Friday Devvotional... Freedom

I’ve been involved in Christian Prison Ministry for some time, and recently a man (that I’ve become acquainted with) was released from Prison. This man got saved while incarcerated and is now serving the Lord to the best of his ability. My feeling toward forgiveness is that he is saved just as much as I am saved….for the Bible says “For such were some of you.”

Anyway, after he was released and got himself settled for a few days, he called me to let me know how happy he was and how he “Thanked God” for His goodness His mercy and Freedom.

I asked him, “What did you see that struck you straight way that touched your heart, because you’ve been locked up for so long”? He said, “When I got on the bus, I saw several little children with their mother, and it made me want to cry with such a feeling…I wish I could have hugged those precious little kids, it was the feeling of looking upon a new little puppy, all you want to do is hug them, of course I couldn’t….but oh what a precious sight of these little ones were to my eyes and heart….pure and innocent and full of trust and love.”

I thought of what “Freedom” is and how blessed we are in so many different aspects of freedom. Those that have come to Christ for forgiveness are free from sin and death, freedom of religion. Little children have such an innocent freedom to play and speak, laugh and just be. Freedom comes with a price for our country as those who pay the price to guard and protect our country in the military. We have the choice to freely live as we choose, free to eat what we want, free to go where we want to go, freedom to give. But I think the most significant “Freedom of all >>> is the freedom in our hearts if we are right in our spirit with God and man. If our minds can be free of fear and anxiety and sorrow….oh what “Sweet Freedom” that is! I Thank God for the Freedom our country has and for the liberty we the people of God can experience in our lives.

Written by: Glenna Williamson

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