
Monday Devotional...Everyday Eves

How many times have we read, heard or told the story of Adam and Eve and said to ourselves, “I would not have listened to the serpent! I would have just walked away.” Thinking that we had a clue as to how she may have felt, being chosen as the one the serpent addressed?

Just to live in the garden could have been enough; and yet, perhaps she had become aware of the fact that Adam was not just created first, he got to name all of the beasts of the field and birds of the air before she became flesh. She was living in the midst of God’s glorious creations, but had not taken part in deciding what anything was to be called. Maybe she just wanted something that was not “All about Adam”. Self-centered thinking perhaps, but who has never stood somewhere surrounded by beauty, but feeling invisible and unnecessary and maybe unloved?

I know that I have made many of my bad choices while I was in the middle of my own pity party. Knowing that my value does not come from how I look or what I have, but still thinking that I would be so much better off if I could just be first at something.

Thankfully, God knows me well enough to send me salvation in the form of a song, spoken or written words that inspire me, good news from any source, or just a glimpse of the sky shimmering with streams of sunlight glowing through His clouds. The glorious things Our Father does with His Light!

But let’s get back to my Eve-ness. The part of me that I keep hidden, knowing once again, that I have chosen self over selfless, leaving others to pay for and clean up my mess. "My Sin" is more than a perfume from the 1920’s. It is every wrong for which I have been forgiven. It is my human self, the one who could never be worthy without God’s Mercy and Grace. If I had to pray my way for forgiveness each time I slipped, I would have to live on my knees!

Thank You, Jesus, for suffering for my sins. For helping me see that the only way I can try to repay you is by trying every day to become you – no matter how many times I fail.

Because God created us for a purpose, even our faults and failures cannot keep Him from allowing it to come to pass if we are willing to ask for forgiveness and obey the small voice inside that works so hard to lead us to righteousness...

Oh, what a wonder when He allows me to overflow with blessings for the few small things that I do for Him! My home, my family, my health. Even the fact that I am no longer girlishly slender is a sign that I have lived through years that many have not survived. I have been loved, even cherished, by some incredible people. I have given birth to healthy children, who thus far, appear to be on the way to living long and fruitful lives.

And, best of all, I know that my Redeemer Lives! The first Eve was made in the garden and lost it.

We have the promise of salvation and eternity in paradise with The Creator!

“When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree
was good for food and pleasing to the eye, a
nd also desirable for gaining wisdom,
she took some and ate it.”
Genesis 3:6a

“Adam lay with his wife Eve,
and she became pregnant and gave birth to Cain.
She said, “With the help of the LORD
I have brought forth a man.”
Later she gave birth to his brother Abel.”
 Genesis 4:1-2a

Lynda Kinnard

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