
Arise and Awake

My little three year old granddaughter had taken her nap for the day. Her Mom thought it to be time to wake Karlee up, so she went into Karlee’s bedroom and quietly sat down on the side of her bed gently trying to wake Karlee from her sleep. But being that little Karlee was all snug and warm in her bed… she didn’t want to be woken up. So her Mom started kissing her little face being playful trying to get Karlee to respond and wake up. 

Karlee had now had enough! She was annoyed with all her Mom’s playfulness when Karlee burst out and said:

“MOM….stop loving me so much” ! !

 I laughed as I heard Karlee’s response and thought to myself…..You know that’s kind of how God does us when he’s trying to awake us from our comfortable spot in life (Our Comfort Zone). He gently nudges us to awake and arise out of sleep to do his will. But often times we want to stay where we are and when the Lord doesn’t allow us to continue to nap, he nudges us through our thoughts and his spirit that is within us.

Only Gods Love can urge and nudge us until we are aroused from our slumber to realize the call of God is upon us to do what he has called us to do.

Therefore He says: "Awake, you who sleep, Arise from the dead, And Christ will give you light."

Ephesians 5:14

Written by: Glenna Williamson

1 comment:

  1. Great analogy Glenna!
    How many times I have wished I could stay in bed when God is trying to awaken me and say here is a new zone for you to answer. Still He promises that He will be at our sides lifting us up to be able to meet whatever challenge He is giving us. That is such a wonderful thought.

    Good thought here! God bless.
