
Devotional for 1/15/13

Worn Out

Have you ever felt that you were at the end of your rope and worn out? I know I have. Sometimes life is filled with rough mountains that we need to climb. When we attempt to scale whatever the barrier is, we can end up damaged, shabby, and dog-eared.Sometimes the problem lasts for months, and we just end up exhausted with not one bit of energy left.

We stumble through our days in a kind of mental fog…just going through the motions. One of the members of Tenth Avenue North was being interviewed on our Christian radio station recently. He was talking about a song he had written. It came from something his wife had said to him. They had two daughters…one still an infant. He said that they had not been able to sleep through the night for about nine months. One day when he was leaving she said to him in a tired, lifeless tone of voice, “Honey, I am just worn out.” Here is the song that he wrote. It is called “Worn.” 

Please click on the link below…

Heavenly Father,
Thank you that you give me rest when I am worn out. You see redemption in my life as I walk my path and because of the challenges I win because of my willingness to follow Yo
u.  When my heart is frail, I feel You strengthening me. You have refreshed me with the knowledge that my inside can be reborn. I thank you for all of these blessings. Most of all I feel safe and hopeful because you are there for me even before my day begins. Deo gracias alleluia!

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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