
Devotional for 1/28/13

Be Willing  

The Bible tells us the following…

Work willingly at whatever you do,
 as though you were working for the Lord
 rather than for people.

~ Colossians 3:23, NLT
This is great food for thought. How many things do we have to do that are not fun and may even be disliked? I will name a few things that may be on your pleasing, boring, annoying, or even dislikable tasks. You can decide what category you would put them in.

1.    About that baby that you adore:
                        ·         You get up at night because he/she is crying. It takes
                            more than an hour to rock the baby back to sleep.

      ·         You have to change a diaper.
      ·         You have to follow the baby around to make sure it stays safe.

2.    About house that you live in:

·         You love that it is spacious or compact. Still it requires a lot of time every day to keep it clean and organized.

·         You believe that old saying that “Dull women make impeccable house keepers.”

·         Stuff like furniture, appliances, the furnace, etc are always wearing out or getting broken, and there is not enough money to replace them.

3.    About the world that you live in:

·         You volunteer often and find yourself at a loss to fit everything in.

·         You like to read or do a craft but other obligations seem to steal most of the time when you would like to be doing ‘favorite’ things.

·         Some of your friends are in need and you feel you must help them get over a crisis or deal with a problem in their lives.
I think you get the point. You are required by your own conscience to do things that impose on your time or are not usually enjoyable.
I repeat the verse I started with: When I have decided to do something unpleasant or hard I will remember this…
Work willingly at whatever you do,
 as though you were working for the Lord
 rather than for people.

~ Colossians 3:23, NLT

Heavenly Father,

When I choose to do something less than edifying for another person, please remind me that I am serving You when I do this. Remind me that when I take on these chores that You are using me to work Your will. Remind me to pray for the person that has a need before and after I perform the task. Thank you Lord for choosing me to be Your hands and feet. Amen.

Written by Corinne Mustafa

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