
Monday Devotional...1/7/13...Need For Advice

What should I do about this, Lord?

Often when people are plagued with failure it is because they try to do everything on their own. This includes doing projects and activities completely without any attempt to seek wisdom.

Our first mentor should be God of course. Still many do not pray to Him to show them what path they should take. The result can be that they fall on their face and end up in a mess. He is our spiritual guru and the first expert that should be turned to.

(I have a friend that I called on Friday to request some participation in writing for WFM. I asked her to let me know soon so I could set up a schedule for the ones who are posting for me, for the month that I will be in Bangladesh I still have not heard from her, and I know that she is praying about it. This is the right course of action. She does it automatically. Sometimes I don’t even start with prayer. . I know better, but, even so, I don’t do that spontaneously,)

There are many mentors in our lives that, once God is prayed to for a solution to a problem or a course of action, He sends to us using them to do His good works. People become his hands, feet, and voice to give us advice or knowledge that He wants us to have.

God is our major counselor. He WILL guide us and help us if we ask Him. It can come in many ways. We hear a song or a a commentary on K-Love; we hear of a similar situation and how it was handled by Godly principles; we hear of circumstances that were not handled in God’s way, and we learn from the outcome of it; we have a Godly friend who shares a good instruction.

(This happened recently to me. I was powerless to decide what to do to remedy an issue. My friend called me one morning to see what I was doing about the problem. I told her that I could not decide what to do. She said, “OK. I am going to give you a challenge today. Decide on a course of action, and call me back and let me know what that is by 4:00 this afternoon. I went into hyper drive and finally arranged what I would do. I barely met the deadline. I called her at 3:50. I am now on the right course, doing something that will help me fix the issue I was dealing with. It was because of a godly friend.)

Here is what the Bible tells us...
Plans go wrong for lack of advice;
many advisers bring success.
~ Proverbs 15:22, NLT

Heavenly Father,

When I need to have light shed on whatever problem, I ask you show me by the means you have what my course of action should be. It is only by Your  instruction and guidance that I will be able to be wise in my choices and actions. I thank you for this blessing that knowing you and talking to you brings to me.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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