
Wednesday...1/2/13...Whatever You Do...

                                ...MINISTER TO  AND SERVE THE LORD

I pray and declare this scripture over each and everyone of you that are reading this devotional for this upcoming year of 2013.

"And whatever you do in word or deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through Him."
Colossians 3:17

Serve Him at all Times

You can be assured that in 2013 the Lord will grant you endless opportunities to minister onto Him. He will take you on unexpected journeys, and put you in situations you never dreamed of. He will reveal His love to you in fresh ways and show you remarkable things He wants to do through you. He will walk you through difficult times and amazing times. The Lord will put people in your life that you never thought possible of ever knowing. And the list goes on!

I say to you friend, for every situation you are in, I fully exhort you to wholeheartedly open your heart to Jesus and let Him use you through it. See each situation as a God opportunity, be it good or bad. If you see it as opportunity for God to use it, be assured that He will.

Let God arise in your life, and do all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving Him great thanks! Then step back and watch God work in phenomenal ways through His power!

In His Radical Love!
Sandy Billingham

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