
Devotional for 2/02/13

The Hummingbird
As I stood just outside of our garage (the big garage doors were closed, but the side entry door was open), I noticed that Sam, our black lab, was jumping up trying to get something. I went in to investigate, and there I saw a tiny hummingbird trying to get out of the closed window. Apparently, the attraction that drew him into the garage was the red on our lawnmower. The poor thing couldn't figure out how to get out and tried in vain to get through the closed window, exhausting himself.
As I tried to steer the tiny creature out the open door, Sam was no help, and the poor bird was panicked. Ultimately, he stopped (I think maybe on the windowsill, but not sure about this), and I gently put him in my hand and took him outside where I put a drop of water in my palm and delicately pushed his beak toward the water. He drank a little and stayed in my hand for a few more moments before he flew away to his own home.
This reminded me that at times we race around, like a hummingbird in a shoebox, but when we want to approach the Lord, we should do it with a quiet heart. Put away distractions. Then He will give us that living water so that we may face the day and the challenges ahead of us.

Jan Baguley
written 1/30/13

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