
Friday Devotional...2/22/13...Sacrifice of Praise

By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually,
            that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.
                          Hebrews 13:15

Silver and gold have I none,
but to the Lord I offer up Thanksgiving and praise for all He has done.

Done for you, done for me….
For we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.

Us who were lost but now are found,
Glory and Praise be to His Holy Name.

The Name that is exalted
and which is above every name, that name is Jesus!

Jesus Christ being the chief corner stone.

Stone… being rolled away from the tomb,
  for He was not there, He was risen just as He said…
    for if He rose from the grave,
     we in like manner shall rise on that glorious day.

Dayspring from on high
     hath visited us.  
         I shall therefore
offer the sacrifice
    of praise to God
    that is,
       the fruit of my lips
          giving thanks
              to his Name.

Written by:
Glenna Williamson

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