
Monday Devotional...2/1/13...Be Still

Be still, and know that I am God!
~ Psalm 46:10

I have always felt a peace thinking of this scripture…like I could just relax and come to some new knowledge of God. The problem has always been that I have no clue how to be still. I have found that when I am still it gets on my nerves. I am not used to being unoccupied. I have so many involvements that there is something to do every day. To name all the things I do is not necessary. They are all good, and they all take lots of time.

I was recently away for a month in Bangladesh. We stayed with a nephew. Everyone there loved and honored me by not allowing me to do a single chore or even to help a little. One day I tried to test their seriousness about my not being allowed to help out. I grabbed my plate and made a run (well rather a quick walk) for the kitchen. I managed to avoid the grab for the plate by our niece. As I reached the kitchen door, however, Mahera, our niece’s mother, blocked the door and put her hand out for the plate. Checkmate!

I went back to the table which was what was expected of me. They were all smiling when they saw me retreat to where they hoped I would be able to feel their love. They loved seeing me be still. I smiled and thanked them…one of the few things I know how to say in Bengali.

I wonder if there is a problem of language between God and me. No, it cannot be that. Even though the prevalent language in the home where we were staying, I pretty much always knew what the topic of conversation was even if I did not know all the particulars of it. I was aware of their desire to take care of me and honor me by relieving me of any business. In fact my run for the kitchen was kind of a joke to me.

God has so many ways of trying to reach me…to reach all of us. If we are honest we will admit that most of the time we are aware of the Godly behavior we should follow. God speaks all the languages of His people. In addition, He has additional ways of sending us messages through music, words of friends, and messages at church among other ways. However, there is one way that we can rely on finding out what God wants us to do or know. It is the written breathed word of God found in the Bible. One of the important scriptures that gives us what God wants us to do is…

God wants to us to know Him the way He knows us. He has been still watching us and knowing us deeply. He knows what He created us to be and is overseeing what we do with that. We know about God, but do we know Him? The only way to know Him is to be quiet enough to experience Him.

Heavenly Father,
Show me how to be still…to be quiet…and to shut down the meanderings of my brain. Let my quiet times with you be just that. I want to be still. I want to know You. Help me to be silent and tranquil so that I may hear Your voice as you draw me to You.

Written by
Corinne Mustafa

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