
Saturday Devotional...Remove the Weights

Do you sometimes feel like
you are weighed down with a burden too heavy to carry?
Feel tired and worn out?

You may be like a daisy-like flower bent over at its stem. On each of your petals is written a Fruit of the Spirit...

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faith gentleness,

and self-control.
(Gal. 5:22)

The petals are wilted because the life giving nourishment is restricted from traveling up the stem.

You feel bent down and constricted from the burdens you carry and sickness in your physical body. The fullness and presence of the spirit that once flowed like a river has become a dry stream.

God purposes and it is his pleasure to pour out his spirit and healing virtue. He will bring restoration to the body.

1. Remember–
He will bring to remembrance promises spoken b
ut long forgot, for       encouragement.

2. Restore–
He will restore hope and faith
and restore time the enemy has robbed.

3. Renew –
 He will renew the mind with his presence and purpose

4 Promises –
New promises will be enlightened
and paths opened that had been closed.

5. Passion –
A passion for God will be increased
as a new hunger is stirred up.

6. Purpose –
Increase awareness of purpose and confidence
in God’s plan as Gods presence manifests

7. Vision –
To have a focused and magnified vision
with eyes keen as the eagle.

8. Vitality –
Tiredness fall away and strength increased

9 Vigor –
Force of healthy growth and healing

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31

As these steps are accomplished, the flower grows straight. It was is no longer constricted. The petals unfurl, fully extended with life.

As the spirit flows – petals that have been there all along, but hidden begin to emerge as a second layer of petals behind the first. These petals were inscribed with the gifts of the Spirit. They are...

wisdom, knowledge, faith,
healing miracles, prophesy,
discerning of spirits, tongues,
interpretation of tongues.
(1. Cor. 12: 8-10.)

With the realization and increase of the presence of God and working of his Holy Spirit in your life, there will be an increase in manifestations of God’s grace and glory.

Look for and expect to find an increase in manifestations of God’s fruit and gifts in your life.

Walk this day with an expectant heart.

Written by
Susan Bower

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